Tuesday, October 4, 2011

IE Problems and Useless help sites

Though my friends consider me crazy I still use Internet Explorer mainly because most of my clients do so and it is important to see what goes on from browser to browser when working with software. For instance a lot of applications created by smaller companies do not work on IE due to bugs or misinformation. Telling a customer which browser to use is really not an option even though programmers would love to be able to do so.

That being said I am curious as to why there is not a lot of flack regarding IE 9's conflicts with applications such as Yahoo mail and IE 8's memory leak or hog or whatever problem. I suspect IE 8's memory problem is due to updates that were intended for fix IE 9's issues and thus there was not the regression testing done because MS wants people to move forward.

This is of course my guess but I still remember when MS used to supply MS Word converters and the resulting files were at least a 100 times bigger than the original file .... funny that.

How did we go from blasting MS for its buggy software but still holding them to task to what we have now which is companies like MS and Yahoo flying under the radar with the consumer taking on the challenge and in fact filling search engines (promoted by Yahoo's answer engine) with bad and some time dangerous advise.

Is there a way to get back to intelligent answers? Are KB articles starting to lose their value .... it would be a real shame if true knowledge and intelligent answers were completely removed by the pabulum we see today.

Is there any way one can filter out the stupid services that simply provide links to additional searchs? Is there a way to reduce any possible income they could get via clicks?

Please send me a note. ......it would be fun to design a reverse click that resulted in a negative value to google or who ever.